Mississauga Fine Arts Academy
The Mississauga Fine Arts Academy is the largest music school in Mississauga founded in 1985 with an active enrollment of over 500 students. We attribute this to our pursuit of giving our students the best, and giving them many benefits that other schools cannot. Since we began well over 30 000 students have taken lessons at our school.
We strongly believe that every child is talented and has the ability to play a musical instrument, including children with disabilities. We believe that every child on the planet deserves musical education, and a chance to experience the joy musical education can bring a person.
Our mission today is to change our world. To make our world a better place by growing a generation of musically educated, loving, caring individuals. With open minds and hearts, and great souls who will pass on their knowledge to future generations, our world will undoubtedly become a better place.
Mississauga Fine Arts Academy
Address: 1170 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, Mississauga, ON L5C 4E6
email: info@mississaugafineartsacademy.com
Phone: 905-276-0251
Website: https://www.mississaugafineartsacademy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MississaugaFineArtsAcademy/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mississaugafineartsacademy/?hl=en